Thursday, August 26, 2010

2 Weeks & 5 Days (or 19 ish Days)

The past 8 1/2 months have flown by! I've decided to do my posts on Thursdays after our final baby appts, just to keep everyone updated- and I know that right now, that's the only reason anyone looks at this- you just want the pics and baby news...
Gryn news:
We are measuring right at 37 weeks, no "Dr. check" this week- it wasn't necessary, and she (our midwife) is convinced that we are in the clear for Labor Day weekend and anticipates we'll deliver on time or about a week late- I don't mind this news (yet) as I still have SOOOO much to do to get ready for my sub. I can use the time!

The ugly news is that I am Strep B positive and will have to have an annoying IV the whole time I'm laboring at the hospital (boo). Chad and I decided we wanted the least amount of tubing/wiring attached to me as possible, so it was disheartening, but I know it's important to be healthy, so Gryn can be healthy when he's born. The good news about the Strep B strain I carry is that it can be killed by anti-biotics that are NOT a part of the "cillin" family- very good news!
We took the stroller and car seat out of their box last night and put them together, we'll have some adjusting to do to bring little dude home, but its ready! We are so excited! Everytime we see and/or feel him move around, we just can't help but get excited because we're SOOO close to having him here! Gryn's bag is packed and ready, however Chad's and mine aren't. That will probably be one of our weekend projects!
Chad news:
USF ends on Saturday. It will be a relief, but also sad. It has been a great season, despite the lack of zest in the music. Things are faling into place at Hurricane Intermediate and the struggles with classes are either finally coming out or are just subsiding as the adjustments are made to Intermediate School. Chad performed twice for the Cabaret, a USF after show. He played a xylophone piece and did a juggling number with some LED lit juggling balls. Each year they have a final show with favorite performances from the season. Chad hasn't ever been chosen in the past, but BOTH his acts were chosen for tonight's final show! He will be the opening and closing performances! I am SO dang happy for him! He is SO excited to perform these numbers again! (I missed the juggling act the first time and am bummed to miss it this time, but the show doesn't start until 11:00 p.m. which means we wouldn't get hom until about 1:30 or so and my body cannot handle that right now.)
Beth news:
I'm looking bigger and bigger! I'm not uncomfortable unless I forget that I'm pregnant and try to do something I would normally need abdominal muscles for! My time of sleeping well has probably ended. I've been battling a head/chest cold for a week now and it is finally beginning to clear up. I haven't been able to take anything and I can't sleep on my back, so breathing at night has been a NIGHTMARE and Gryn usually kicks for about 20 minutes everytime I turn over. So, I'm adjusting to the sleeplessness, but know that the time is coming where it will be much worse than it is now, so I treasure what sleep I do get! Really this has probably been the worst week of pregnancy, but I think it's just because I'm sick. My 4th period class is convinced I will either go into hard labor during class or that I will deliver my baby in class- its quite comical actually! I'm done planning for 1st quarter and with 2/3 of my sub notes for 1st quarter, so now I can focus on getting IEPs written and done- 4 down (completed), 2 written, 10 to go. Yes, that's a total of 16 that will be finished within the first 5 weeks of school. When I come back in Nov. I will be so bored, it's kind of crazy. I will only have 8 IEPs to hold for the rest of the year and I will have nothing to plan for because I'll be planned through Christmas break. I've learned a lot about HS kids vs. MS kids and I REALLY like the differences! My team is great, our paras are WONDERFUL, and I really like teaching Read 180. So in essence, life is good! As always.
Ok, now for the pics:

Me, 37 weeks. Yes, the belly is dropping. And yes, this shirt (albeit maternity) is working REALLY hard to cover my belly. Pretty sure this is the last time I'll be seen wearing it. And looking at last week's pic, maybe I was arching a little, it didn't feel like it though. Weird.

"Travel System" Step 1: In the box, no problem!
"Travel system" step 2 (Chad): Ok, it's all out of the box, how do we open it? Oh, the red locking device on the side. Wait, theres only two wheels... oh, nope, here they are. Ok, whew.

"Travel System" step 2 (Beth): This one's already put together! Awesome! Oh wait, no- attach canopy, check, unwrap base, check. This peice to the right doesn't fit ANYWHERE! Riiiight, that would be the stroller tray. Adjust straps, just in case, check. Figure out how the seat goes in the base......................... yeah, still working on that............................... no, don't take it, Chad, I've got to know how to do it once it's in the car............................. *click* YEAH! Got it! How did I do that again?

"Travel System" Step 3: Done! Now, if our Nurse Midwife is wrong, we'll still be able to bring our baby home from the hospital anytime!

In all reality, it wasn't too terribly hard, we had fun goobing up about how "our baby will sit in that" and such. Totally ridiculous! And speaking of goobing stories, here are two, for the road:

Last night a girl brought in her 1 week old baby to our birthing class. Little tiny baby girl was in the back making sweet newborn noises and Chad looks at me all teary and goes- "I can't help but think of our little baby making those noises. I can't wait to hear them!"

We (I) ordered a personalized Mickey Mouse blanket for Gryn. It arrived the other day and Chad missed seeing it the night it arrived. The next morning, I showed him as we were making breakfast and getting ready for the day. He stopped, came over and hugged me and the belly and was like "We are totally going to use that when we take our baby to Disneyland. I can't wait to take him to Disneyland." Again, all teary and sweet about our little dude. P.S. I don't think I'll get to hold our child. Ever. So keep that in mind when you come to see him. His dad may be hogging him.

I LOVE that Chad is the gooby one about this baby! I don't get teary very often about much and haven't gotten very teary over thinking about our baby- I get teary when I think of everything that can go wrong in the next two weeks. I am SO dang excited to have this little guy in our home and share in parenting with Chad- its going to be AWESOME!


Ryan and Mandi said...

You better not have him on a Monday. Because then I have to wait until the weekend to come. Tuesday - Thursday would be great! It's gonna kill me not to come as soon as I hear the news that he's here! This is the first niece/nephew that's been born that I haven't been working. It makes me so happy that I can come down so soon after he's born. We love you guys so much and are so happy to see you become parents.

Nat and Charles said...

Cute! I love it all. I love the goobing. That's gotta be the coolest word you've ever made up. :) I saw those MIckey blankets online the other day! How funny! And, yeah D-land with the baby. Awesome. We took Bella when she was 6 months and it was perfect. Napped in the stroller, wasn't scared of anything. Can't wait to go back. Can't wait to see pics of your first trip with him. Good luck these next few weeks!!!

brigette said...

You are getting so close!! Sounds like you are ready!! Congrats