Friday, November 21, 2008

Tag...I'm it...

Both of my sisters tagged me on this one... so here goes (an P.S. I'm not tagging anyone else, If you want it, you got it!)

Here are the rules: you need to type 7 things about yourself that you don’t think anyone knows and then choose 7 people to tag at the end and leave their link.

I am pretty vocal about my life, but here goes-

1: When I am REALLY angry, I throw stuff. Keys, balls, pillows, a can, whatever is closest. I have yet to throw anything breakable. However I have done some damage, and am working on changing this!

2: I really dislike when people say "It takes a special kind of person to do that." when I tell them I teach Special Education. Freak, it takes a special kind of person to be a full time Wal-Mart checker, what the heck?

3: I actually used to eat red meat and pork at one point in my life. Thank goodness for that change...

4: I can be crafty and outdoorsy. I am currently in the process of making a tree-skirt for my christmas tree. Its going to be AWESOME- I'll post pics when I'm done! I have always enjoyed hiking, but since I married Chad, I enjoy camping more. However, I do still have my unfounded, ridiculous fear of ANY bug (except the praying mantis for some reason) which doesn't go over well living in Southern Utah.

5: I have impeccable spelling and grammar skills. It works out well for me since I teach middle school Language Arts, but is sometimes annoying because everyone misuses things- biggest peeve: 's and -s (totally different: -s is plural, 's shows ownership).

6: I go INSANE without anything to do. On the flip side of that I also go INSANE when I have too much to do (i.e. when I'm stressed). On both sides, I end up sleaning like mad- ask my parents, their house was immaculate the first time I had finals in college. I guess that's why I'm so clean and organized all the time- I'm INSANE all the time!

7: I don't want to be the parent of an infant. This may come as a shocker because I love my infant nieces and nephews, I just don't want to keep any for myself! Yes, I do want children, just not infants. I also don't want to stay at home with my kids (see #6), I like to work and have "Bethany time". I am a teacher and will be in school for only 1 hour more than my kids everyday and I will have all the same vacations as they will, so bring on the kiddos, just no babies please.

There you have it. There are plenty more that I could share, but they are a little too personal for a public blog!

1 comment:

Me said...

It's great to get to know you better! Especially to know how great you are at spelling and grammar!!! Check out the word "cleaning" in your number least I think that you meant cleaning instead of sleaning!! Ha ha. Glad to hear your doing well too! Thanks for making comments on the blog! We need to come down to Southern Utah sometime and hang out!