Sunday, October 25, 2009

A few things...

No, I haven't fallen completely off the planet, and no, this isn't an update post. However, there will be one soon, I just don't feel like doing one right now. This is a "A Few Things I Just Don't Get" blog, such as:

Adult female sleeopvers (out of towners are different- I'm talking in town friend sleepovers). Not that there's anything wrong with them, I know quite a few people who do this, but I just don't get it. Can anyone explain the draw to it? I personally like to sleep in a bed, in my own home (if I'm in town), with my husband. So maybe its me. The kicker though, is when people complain about it afterward, like "I couldn't sleep at all last night." or "I stayed up way too late and am SO exhausted today."

Facebook Posts. First and foremost: FACEBOOK IS RUINING SOCIETY. There, its out, although, this isn't the first time I've said it. What is with the posts that are like "I'm so [insert feeling here], but I'm not going to share anything about it." (I'm am guilty of doing this once- mostly because I chickened out because a family member asked about it and I didn't want to share.) or "I totally got married like 5 minutes ago." (So, go be (in the best sense of the word) with your new spouse- get off FB) or "I just want EVERYONE to know I'm pregnant." What happened to the old fashioned mass text, um, I mean mass email, um, what is it called...oh, phone call... that's what it is!

Those are the only two for now, but stay alert my friends, there will be something that comes up soon enough. Oh, and I just wanted everyone to know.... I'm pregnant.


Joseph said...

Not only are we really excited for you guys (even though we appreciate the work you are in for), we also are the first to bless your comment board with an inordinate amount of exclamation points. Best of luck and keep us updated!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nat and Charles said...

Wha??? I was so enjoying your anti-facebook post and then you threw that badboy in at the end! That's so awesome! Congrats and good luck!

Katie Lynn said...

What a perfect ending for that post! Haha! Congratulations to you, that's so exciting!

Chelsea said...

Congratsulations Bethany!
That's so exciting! Kids are nuts though, but you'll love it. Chels

Beth and Chad said...

4 so far, isn't bad. Too bad you guys aren't on the inside...
Even after the rant about how impersonal things are, you didn't get that its a hoax?! I've got a constant running joke with my family that I'm pregnant- I've announced it about a dozen times- never true. Same with this one- still not true- sorry to get your hopes up. Now you'll never trust us when we actually are... muah ha ha...

Hayley Winslow said...

I knew the joke, but it became so much better when I read the posts. I am laughing on the inside and out right now. You have a few more people on the inside now with the preggo joke. Bah ha ha ha ha ha.

Me said...

What? Is this a joke!? I was totally into your post, and agreeing with every word! That was totally unecpectd!! CONGRATS!!! You are going to be such a good mommy!Wait a second! You JERK! Have you ever heard about the boy who cried wolf???

mom said...

As always, you are a brat! I totally love you anyway, but you are a brat!!