Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I've come to understand that of all the jobs in the world to pick, Teaching is just not one of those "9-to-5" jobs. I dream of going home at contract time, grocery shopping on "easy days" or during reasonable hours, hiking Zion after work, or just reading in the evening.
Most of the time however, I do not come home at contract time, in fact when I do eventually get home, I usually bring something with me from school to get done (however in the past three years, I have gotten MUCH better at leaving work at school). By the time I leave the school, I am so utterly spent, the idea of hiking almost gives me a heart-attack, reading usually puts me to sleep, and I can't think of being in a grocery store for fear that I'll snap!
While this may seem like a complaint, I really love my job. I can't imagine what it would be like to sit and read or go hike or even come home "on time." I especially can't imagine what it would be like to NOT work. I would be SO empty.
So on this day when contract time ended 50 minutes ago, I am still at work, blogging, so I don't have to work.... for a few minutes anyway. I think I'll go home and do laundry, then scrapbook for March and do another post. That'll be my fill for the week!

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