Monday, July 26, 2010

Yeah, I'm THAT person...

You know what I'm talking about: I am not a fan of posting just about baby stuff, but I'm going to anyway because people just seem to want to know...

The Grind (non baby):
I finish up Summer School on Wednesday this week (THANK GOODNESS) and will be setting up my classroom at the HS starting Thursday. Chad is playing for USF and is now bored with the show. Its a decent show, but anytime you play something over and over, it gets annoying! He has been at his school practicing all sorts of percussion stuff for hours and hours everyday while I'm at work- I went over and listened to him after I got home today and he sounds so good, I really love to watch him play because I know he loves it SO much. He's also working on some awesome juggling tricks!

The Grind (baby):
Our "Birth education" classes start on Wednesday evening, making the whole having a baby thing even more real! We are getting more and more excited for our little Gryn to join our family as we get closer to September.

We finished the baby room last night! We had shelves to hang, the twin bedding to put on the bed, the valance to put up, new clothes and blankets to de-tag and wash, and dots to put on the walls. It looks more like a boy's room than a gender-neutral room, but we can add some pink and purple and use it for a girl too, when the time comes, I guess.

The view from the door of the baby room. And yes, that is a porcelain doll... in a BOY'S room. I've had that doll since I was about 14 (I think). The designer's name is Titus Tomescu and I fell in love with the doll as soon as I saw it. I am displaying it until it is no longer safe to display outside glass.

The finished closet. You can't see, but the dresser is completely full of preemie to 3 month clothing. The shelving on the sides have 4 more rubbermaids full of clothes from 3-2T and about 1500-2000 diapers and two boxes of bulk wipies from Costco. We've got a swing, playmat, high chair, some toys, a bouncer, an infant bath sling, travel bed, bumbo chair, and other things I can't even think of. The best part: most, like 90% most, of it has been gifted/handed down to us. We are SO blessed and SO set on stuff for this little guy!

This shelf is for all the stuffed animals we have been given or toys we have bought. The bunny blanket in the middle was hand-made by a co-worker of mine and I really hope that Gryn loves it as much as Chad and I do. It is SO adorable!

We put the valance up on this window and bought circle declas for the wall instead of painting or putting up pictures, we really like how it turned out!

I will admit that this pregnancy has been so easy in the scope of everything. I can't complain about anything! I still see my reflection and do a double take, pregnancy was never in the plans for me, so it's hard for me to see myself and realize that its actually ME and not some other cute pregnant lady and that its MY child growing in there.

I've been feeling the extra weight more this week than ever (and I'm getting the "water retention pregnancy face", which I do not appreciate) and my time out and about is getting shorter and shorter before I get exhausted, but I keep thinking 7 more weeks and my body will start the process of normalcy again...

I sometimes get annoyed when I have a baby in my ribs or kicking my bladder, but all I can think is: poor little guy, how can I be annoyed- you're the one thats all squished, not me. Poke me as much as you need- I don't mind!!

I also have a very supportive and loving husband who thinks that this whole pregnancy thing is absolutely beautiful and is always understanding and positive about my situation. I'm super lucky!

And by the way, after looking at other peoples' ultrasounds, I think we are going to have the cutest baby ever! I didn't think I'd be able to tell that much of a difference form one ultrasound to the next, but I can, and Gryn is way freakin cuter than other people's babies! And yes, I am biased beyond reason, but really, I think he's going to be absolutely adorable!

Need I say more?

I'd like to think that I'll post before the big day, but with my track record of "blogging," the next post very well may be pics of our little dude. 33 weeks- only 7 to go!


Beth and Chad said...

Oh and FYI: around this time every night (between 11:30 and midnight), Gryn gets the hiccups and starts moving around like crazy. Its awesome right now because Chad and I are usually awake anyway since its summer so we get to see him moving all over the place! And at least I know that once he's born, we'll be up around midnight for a while! Feel free to call ;)

Ryan and Mandi said...

I really do love the room. Love the decals. And the bed will be perfect for when I come stay with my new nephew! :)

Stacy G. said...

That is so cool. I'm glad things have gone well so far. I am so excited for you.

Chelsea said...

This is so exciting! Only 7 more weeks, your baby room is so adorable and more complete than ours is with a 2 yr old;) Congratsulations! Chels

mom said...

I love the room! I think he is totally adorable too! He has the big Titus eyes and chubby cheeks! Now if they are just blue!! Can't wait to meet the little guy!