Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Belly

In an effort to keep family and friends updated and involved in the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy, I have decided to take weekly pics and post them of the belly.
Today marks 35 weeks, only 5 more to go! It seems like it came so dang fast! We are SO excited. I am getting nervous about Gryn coming early, plain and simply because I am not ready for my sub! I'm putting off being completely ready for the sub because I know that as soon as I am ready and can relax, he'll make his way here shortly. Chad's quarter is on Aug. 31 or Sept. 1 no matter what. We'll see what happens!
In other news, today was our first day of school. Uneventful, pretty chill for both of us- hardly the climax to meet the buildup that we've had going on. We enjoyed meeting our new students and reuniting with the old ones. We're excited to get this school year started! Chad is crazy busy with school and Shakespeare- he's got multiple rehersals and performances until about midnight tomorrow and Friday then we'll be doing another parade on Saturday morning followed by a swim party for the parade kids. What a way to start out the school year! We are tired, but happy!


Ryan and Mandi said...

I keep thinking about how close you are! I am so stinkin excited about meeting Gryn. My boys are gonna love this too! Especially Darek, who loves babies right now!

Me said...

Man! I am so jealous! You look so good! You are so tiny!!Good luck with the next few weeks!! Maybe our kids will be born the same day.